With your support, Law Center Attorneys Jaimie Park and Doug Meiklejohn and our clients have begun a new fight in the case to protect water and taxpayer dollars from the proposed 90,000-person Santolina mega-development slated for the west side of Albuquerque.
Santolina Level B.1 Master Plan Public Hearing:
When: April 4 at 5 PM
Where: Vincent Griego Room, Bottom level City/County Administration Bldg,
1 Civic Plaza NW, Albuquerque, 87102-9854 (map)
*Sign up online before 3 PM on April 4 to speak.*
As you may have predicted, the system is once again breaking down.
This development would be the third largest city in New Mexico if built today…yet there are critical unanswered questions, including where the development will get water rights and “wet” water; where it will get funding for infrastructure like schools, roads and parks; and how the project will deal with building on sand dunes. Still, in January, the Bernalillo County Planning Commission recommended approval of the incomplete Santolina Level B.1 Master Plan. The Plan is now before the Bernalillo County Commission, which illegally approved the Level A Master Plan and zoning change in 2015, and which will have final administrative say over this phase of review.
Because of you, we have been able to mount a tenacious challenge to both the proposed Level B.1 Master Plan and an attempt by the developer to file an appeal after the deadline.
While this issue is in front of elected officials, it is one of those cases where you can make all the difference. Santolina not only means the Phoenix-ification of Albuquerque, but it could have far-reaching impacts on our state’s water supplies. Please join us today to challenge this ill-advised development!
See our Amended Appeal of Recommendation to Approve Santolina Level B.1.
Read the filed Reply to Response to Santolina Appeal.
See full case page.