This reckless disregard for our state’s groundwater, coupled with the impact of global warming, is rapidly moving us toward a crisis situation!
Here at the Law Center, we are especially concerned because 80-90% of New Mexicans rely on groundwater for their drinking water. And once groundwater is polluted, it is extremely difficult and costly to clean up! Accordingly, over 70% of the casework we do is focused on protecting the quantity and quality of our state’s groundwater.

Why We’re Raising Money Now
Environmental justice work remains as critical as ever, even during this disruptive time. You may have read that the EPA suspended enforcement of vital environmental regulations that protect our air, land, and water. As a result, people in communities who have lived for decades with debilitating air and water pollution face an even greater risk of severe health issues.
NMELC is working hard to protect vulnerable communities. We are on the legal front line fighting to not only keep environmental regulations, but to make them even stronger. It is because of your generosity that we can keep up the fight. Now, maybe more than ever, we need your support to fight the very long court battles ahead.