Call To Action: Since When Is Asphalt Agriculture
Retake Board Member, Miguel Acosta shared the info below. It is the second time now we have reported on an asphalt plant trying to expand their operations into residential or agricultural communities. Only a week ago, we reported on approval of an asphalt plant in South Santa Fe and now another effort in the Mountain View neighborhood of ABQ. With a Democratic Governor, State Senate, State House, State Land Office, and Mayor of ABQ, how is it that we are having to raise our voices to oppose such an obvious instance of environmental racism? We provide all the gory details and then offer contact info and very simple speaking points so you can raise your voice. At the bottom of this page is a Call to Action with contact info and suggested language to raise your voice against environmental racism.
The Mountain View Neighborhood Association and Mountain View Community Action along with representative petitioners Lauro Silva and Nora Garcia filed a petition last week to the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Air Quality Control Board asking for a hearing regarding the permitting of a proposed hot mix asphalt batch plant which is slated to be built at 9615 Broadway SE. The petition was filed just before the Thanksgiving holiday, on Wednesday, November 25.