July 14, 2022


Maya van Rossum, Founder of Green Amendments For The Generations and the Delaware Riverkeeper, (215) 801-3043, maya@forthegenerations.org

Second Annual Green Amendment Day Tackles Environmental Injustice Through Collective Action

Yesterday, over one hundred environmental advocates from 23 states across the country gathered virtually to celebrate the Second Annual Green Amendment Day. Entitled “Green Amendments: Transforming Environmental Rights from Rhetoric to Reality,” programming aimed to shine a light on how enforceable environmental rights, in the form of constitutional Green Amendments, can help frontline communities’ address toxic pollution, environmental racism, climate injustice, and air and water pollution harming their communities. According to Green Amendments For The Generations, the organizer of this national day of recognition and action, the goal of the day’s activities was to promote the value of securing constitutional protection for the inalienable right to a clean and healthy environment in all fifty states through passage of Green Amendments, constitutional environmental rights amendments that recognize and protect the rights of all people to pure water, clean air, a stable climate, and healthy environments. …