By Gwynne Ann Unruh
The Paper.
August 18, 2022
Bernalillo Commission Votes Unanimously to Support Santolina Industrial Park Amendments
Santolina’s solar arrays, wind turbines and tire recycling plant were approved by the Bernalillo County Commissioners Tuesday at their zoning meeting. It looks like “Culligan Man” is the new water source for the development’s 630-acre industrial business park located next to their Santa Fe size housing development. The development has been sidestepping the New Mexico Water Authority for years after their original permit expired as they fought members of the Albuquerque community through the court system this past decade.
By approving the Santolina’s Level A Plan amendment and adopting their Level BII Plan, the commissioners ignored the recommendation to deny the Santolina amendments by their own vetting body – the County Planning Commission. Some of the piecemeal development projects presented at the zoning meeting Wednesday night were the first time many community members said they were hearing about them.
Community members spoke to the commissioners online, in person and via telephone voicing their concerns about water, transportation and increased traffic, and the fact that many of the services, including roads needed for the development, will be paid for by taxpayers. Several speakers were moved to tears as they spoke about the river and how it has run dry for the first time in 40 years. Several pleaded with commissioners to deny Santolina’s amendments. …
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