Health, Environment and Equity Impacts Regulation Could Shift Environmental Racism in South Valley
December 23, 2022
by Gwynne Ann Unruh, The Paper.
The South Valley is a clear example of environmental racism and they are fed up with being the dumping ground for decades of a dirty industry that no one else wants. The strength of community organizing paid off for residents there when, spearheaded by the Mountain View Coalition and New Mexico Environmental Law Center (NMELC), they were able to convince the ABQ-BernCo Air Quality Control Board (AQCB) to vote unanimously (5-0) to hold a public hearing on their proposed Health, Environment and Equity Impacts Regulation.
“Most of the burdens and few of the benefits of economic development are experienced by residents in these overburdened communities,” Eric Jantz, NMELC Senior Staff Attorney told the AQCB.
Historically a rural Latino center of Albuquerque, the South Valley contains some of the most polluted areas of the state. “We hope that the draft impacts regulation will become a new beginning toward a healthier environment and improved quality of life,” President of the Mountain View Neighborhood Association Nora Garcia said. …
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