New Study Shows Santolina Development Project Based on Unrealistic & Highly Unlikely Population, Jobs & Housing Growth Projections

February 16, 2024

Study Commissioned by New Mexico State Legislature Conducted by UNM Bureau of Business & Economic Research

ALBUQUERQUE, NM—A new study commissioned by the New Mexico State Legislature and conducted by the University of New Mexico Bureau of Business & Economic Research (BBER) found that the 2013 projections for population growth, jobs created, and number of housing units needed that developers relied on to promote the highly controversial Santolina Development project were “unrealistic” and “highly unlikely.”…

IACHR Grants Thematic Hearing on Impacts to Indigenous Peoples’ Human Rights from Uranium Exploitation

Media Advisory

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Historic Hearing to be Held in Washington, D.C.

Weds, Feb. 28th at 11am EST/9am MST

What: Inter-American Commission on Human Rights’ Thematic Hearing

Where: IACHR/OAS, 1889 F St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006

When: Wednesday, February 28, 2024 at 11am EST/9am MST

Who: Members of the Navajo Nation, Ute Nation and Oglala Lakota Nation will testify

Why: Impacts of Uranium Exploitation on the Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples in the United States…

Court Stops ABQ City Council from Purging Previous Air Board

Dan Lewis Bills Remain Unenforceable Until Court Determines Their Legality

Santa Fe—First Judicial District Judge Francis Mathew on Thursday, January 25, granted the Albuquerque-Bernalillo County Air Quality Control Board’s request for a preliminary injunction blocking the City of Albuquerque from implementing two bills that the Albuquerque City Council passed in December 2023 illegally removing City appointed members of the Air board and putting a moratorium on acting by the Board through February.

City Council Intimidation Results in Rushed Air Board Regulation Hearing

New HEEI Rule Unlikely to Protect Overburdened Communities

ALBUQUERQUE, NM —The new Health, Environment, and Equity Impacts (HEEI) regulation passed by the Air Quality Control Board last month on December 11th has finally been  published on the Joint Albuquerque-Bernalillo County Air Quality Control Board docket. (See Docket No. 242, pp. 22-23).

The Mountain View Coalition, represented by the New Mexico Environmental Law Center, continues to have questions about what the new rule means, how it will work, and most importantly, whether it will, in fact, protect predominantly low-income and People of Color communities like Mountain View that have been targeted with toxic and polluting industry for decades in Bernalillo County.