Best way to honor downwinders? Extend, expand RECA

By Mia Montoya Hammersley, Staff Attorney, New Mexico Environmental Law Center
Albuquerque Journal
Guest Column
January 27, 2022

Every summer when I was growing up, I looked forward to the time I would spend with my family in Tularosa. A quiet oasis, these weeks were spent picking fruit from the trees in my grandparents’ yard and racing empty banana split boats through the irrigation ditches with my cousins. My grandfather, Demetrio “Dee” Herrera Montoya, served as mayor of Tularosa for many years. He passed away in 2010 after a battle with pancreatic cancer. He and my grandmother were children when the world’s first nuclear weapon was detonated on July 16, 1945, approximately 45 miles from their homes in the Tularosa Basin….

NM Environmental Law Center’s Top-10 Environmental Justice Issues For 2022

By NMELC Staff
Green Fire Times
Jan/Feb 2022

For the last four years in Green Fire Times, the New Mexico Environmental Law Center has shared our perspective on the top environmental issues to watch in the coming year. Three of those years focused on the gutting of environmental safeguards by the Trump administration; last year we reflected glimmers of hope, both on the national and the state levels, regarding environmental protection. A year later, we again take stock of efforts to hold both regulating agencies as well as industry and polluters accountable for contamination of air, lands and water. Here are our top-10 environmental justice issues for 2022….

NM’s Best Climate Protector and Worst Polluter Awards

New Mexico Environmental Law Center Hands Out Its Awards For 2021
by Gwynne Ann Unruh
The Paper.
December 26th, 2021
The New Mexico Environmental Law Center (NMELC) has announced the winners of its Annual Environmental Justice Awards for 2021. Four awards were given out this year including the yearly presentation of a tongue-in-cheek environmental injustice “award”— a mock “invoice” to the Toxic Polluter of the year for harming the environment and the health of those who call the Land of Enchantment home.

New Mexico Environmental Law Center Announces Recipients Of Its EJ Awards For 2021

By Carol A. Clark
Los Alamos Daily Post
December 14, 2021

SANTA FE — The New Mexico Environmental Law Center (NMELC) has announced the winners of its Annual Environmental Justice Awards for 2021.

The winners were celebrated during the NMELC’s Annual Member Appreciation & EJ Awards event held Friday, Dec. 10 over Zoom. The four awards given out include the tongue-in-cheek “award” for Toxic Polluter…

After public pressure, ABQ Council confirms Pfeiffer to environmental board

By Austin Fisher
Source NM
December 14, 2021

Incoming commissioner becomes the first Indigenous person to serve, according to city sources.\

Albuquerque councilors confirmed the appointment of the first Native person ever to serve on the city government’s Environmental Planning Commission, according to city sources. She’ll also be the only woman on the board. 

But it was only after public pressure and a letter-writing campaign from numerous organizations in support of the candidate, who said she experienced discrimination during the vetting process…