Larry J. King

Eastern Navajo Diné Against Uranium Mining (ENDAUM)


Larry J. King once worked in the mines that line the Rio Puerco between Red Water Pond Road Community and Church Rock. The United Nuclear spill of 1979 – the largest accidental release of radiation in US history – surged through the land that he and his family call home. He joined ENDAUM in its early days, and has become a leader in the fight to prevent new uranium mining in Diné communities.

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Support New Mexico Environmental Law Center

The work of the Law Center is made possible by tax-deductible contributions from individuals, business, foundations and limited earned income.


Sunland Park, Santa Teresa Community Deserve Clean and Safe Drinking Water

Las Cruces Sun News
July 17, 2024
by Vivian Fuller, Daisy Maldonado, Mark Alonzo and Lia Rasberry

Residents of Sunland Park and Santa Teresa are deeply troubled by the ongoing issues with the Camino Real Regional Utility Authority (CRRUA) water supply. Despite repeated assurances from CRRUA, community members continue to face problems with arsenic contamination, discolored water, health concerns and escalating water rates.

For years, many CRRUA customers have experienced yellow and brown water flowing from our taps, raising concerns about the safety of our drinking water. We have experienced persistent rashes, hair loss, and dry skin; our water is discolored and smells of sulfur. The presence of inorganic arsenic compounds in the water is particularly alarming, given their highly toxic nature and potential for causing both acute and long-term health issues, including cancer.  …

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Downwinders continue to seek justice 79 years after the Trinity Test

New Mexico Political Report
July 17, 2024
by Hannah Grover

For most of his life, Paul Pino believed his community had dodged the bullet when it came to nuclear fallout. It wasn’t until he’d retired from teaching high school history that he learned that his home, Carrizozo, had in fact experienced radiation fallout on a July morning in 1945.

Then the pieces started coming together. He’d seen family members die of illnesses that can be linked to radiation exposure.  …

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New Mexico’s Water is Under Threat!

But YOU can help save it. (And until the end of the year, your gift will be matched dollar for dollar for even greater impact!)

Learn more here >



The Law Center represents residents in their battle to fend off polluting industry and preserve their right to clean air.


The Law Center serves communities fighting to keep dangerous pollutants away from their land and clean up areas already contaminated.


In the face of the added urgent threat from climate change, protecting both access to water and quality of water is a critical priority for the Law Center.


The New Mexico Environmental Law Center helps open the doors of our legal process to local communities who are working to protect their water, land and air from environmental degradation.


Your support makes our work on dozens of cases possible.
Please help us fight for cleaner water, safer air, protected lands and healthier New Mexicans! Make a one time donation or a monthly recurring donation.



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Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatudolorem ipsum quia dolo voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat.



But YOU can help save it.

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