NM Adopts Clean Cars Standards

May 5, 2022

Access to electric vehicles addresses climate change and improves air quality

** RESOURCES: Spokespeople available upon request. **

SANTA FE – Today, the New Mexico Environmental Improvement Board and the City of Albuquerque – Bernalillo County Air Quality Control Board voted to adopt clean cars rules after public hearings on May 4 and 5. Adoption of the rules follows a robust stakeholder engagement process over the past year….

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Santolina Opponents Remain Determined After Disappointing Court of Appeals Decision

April 29, 2022

Court of Appeals Affirms District Court Denial of Appeals of Level B1 Master Plan and Level B1 Development Agreement

ALBUQUERQUE, NM—Opponents of the Santolina Development project responded today to the Court of Appeals decision handed out on Thursday, April 20, 2022, that affirmed the District Court decision denying their appeals of the Level B1 Master Plan and the Level B1 Development Agreement. …

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U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Travels to Navajo Nation, Hears of Health and Environmental Impacts of Uranium Mining

By Darren Thompson

Native News Online
April 25, 2022

Last Friday, the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) traveled to Church Rock on the Navajo Nation, by invitation from the Navajo Nation and Redwater Pond Road Community members to discuss the impacts of uranium mining. NRC officials heard, for the first time in history, of the health and environmental impacts caused by uranium mining on the Navajo Nation. …

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Marginalized communities in Albuquerque, Santa Fe fight environmental racism

Santa Fe asphalt consolidation appeal results expected this summer

By Megan Gleason

UNM Daily Lobo
April 25, 2022

Areas with people of color, low-income residents and immigrants have historically been forced to endure environmental racism around the U.S., but New Mexico locals are fighting against it. Santa Fe’s Southside and Albuquerque’s South Valley continue in their efforts against unjust environmental decisions that disproportionately affect marginalized groups….

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Final decision on asphalt plant on Santa Fe’s South Side expected this summer

Three years of resistance to asphalt plant consolidation continues

By Austin Fisher
Source NM
April 21, 2022

A final decision on whether an asphalt company can expand its operations on Santa Fe’s South Side is expected this summer, after community groups appealed the project’s approval by state environmental regulators and hundreds of local residents petitioned Monday for the decision to be overturned….

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