Mountain View Coalition Files Federal Civil Rights Complaint Against City of ABQ

Monday, June 3, 2024


Mountain View Coalition Alleges City Blatantly & Deliberately Discriminated Against a Community of Color

ALBUQUERQUE, NM—During tonight’s Albuquerque City Council meeting, several Mountain View residents charged City Council with racial discrimination, announcing that on Friday, May 31, 2024, the Mountain View Coalition—made up of Mountain View Neighborhood Association, Mountain View Community Action and Friends of Valle de Oro National Wildlife Refuge—represented by the New Mexico Environmental Law Center, filed a federal Civil Rights Complaint against the City of Albuquerque and Albuquerque City Council with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, alleging discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origin, in violation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. 

The Civil Rights Complaint is in response to the City Council’s passage of legislation abolishing the Air Board and placing a moratorium on the Board’s ability to take action during the Health, Environment and Equity Impacts (HEEI) rulemaking hearing held at the Convention Center from December 4 to 11, 2023, at which the MVC sought to address the historic, systemic, and ongoing discriminatory permitting practices the City of Albuquerque has engaged in for decades. …

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Past Press Releases

Albuquerque Air Quality Board Upholds Polluting Permit

Yesterday, the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Air Quality Board unanimously voted to deny an appeal of an air pollution permit issued to Honstein Oil & Distributing, LLC. The Honstein facility is located near homes in the San Jose neighborhood in the South Valley of Albuquerque and holds a 6,000 gallon gasoline storage tank. The facility is one of many polluting facilities found in the South Valley, a community recognized by the US EPA as an “Environmental Justice community”.

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McKinley County Gets Notified Over Open Meetings Act Violations

On behalf of two community groups, the New Mexico Environmental Law Center submitted a Notice of Intent to Sue today to the McKinley County Commission identifying a possible Open Meetings Act Violation related to a meeting held in January 2017. Groups signing onto the letter include Red Water Pond Road and Eastern Navajo Dine Against Uranium Mining. The letter outlines that the county failed to give proper notice about the meeting to the public, and didn’t publish the agenda in advance of the meeting.

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NM High Court to Consider Water Sacrifice Zones

The Copper Rule is a regulation adopted by the New Mexico Water Quality Control Commission (WQCC) to regulate groundwater contamination by the copper mining industry. It is the first regulation since the state’s adoption of its Water Quality Act in 1967 that allows an entire industry to intentionally pollute groundwater. The Copper Rule was largely written by mining giant Freeport McMoRan, and adopted in October 2013. The state’s high court has been asked to set aside the Rule and require the WQCC to adopt a regulation that protects groundwater quality from copper mine contamination.

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Judge Says Appeal against Santolina Development Can Move Forward

Today, parties were notified that state District Court Judge Nancy Franchini ruled against Santolina developer Western Albuquerque Land Holdings (WALH) in its effort to shut down an appeal by three public-interest groups. The judge’s decision allows the public-interest groups and individuals to pursue their appeal of the Level A Master Plan and zoning change for the proposed mega-development.

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Supreme Court gets one step closer to Copper Rule decision

With your support, we filed our Reply Brief in the Copper Rule challenge before the state Supreme Court on March 7th. It’s one of our last steps before the state’s high court hands down a ruling in a case that could decide how groundwater is protected – or sacrificed – at industrial sites in New Mexico for years to come.

The Law Center and its clients, Amigos Bravos, the Gila Resources Information Project and Turner Ranch Properties, continue to hammer away at the Copper Rule. The Rule allows – for the first in New Mexico’s regulatory history – the intentional contamination of groundwater by an entire industry.

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Burqueños Challenge Discriminatory Air Pollution Practices

Albuquerque, NM – Yesterday, the SouthWest Organizing Project (SWOP) filed a complaint with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) against the City of Albuquerque and Bernalillo County under Title VI of the U.S. Civil Rights Act of 1964. The complaint, submitted by the non-profit New Mexico Environmental Law Center, asserts that local decision-makers “have demonstrated […]

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